Hail Merry - September 21 2023

Spice Up Your School Lunchboxes with Hail Merry!

Bored of packing the same old sandwiches and fruit cups in your kids' school lunches? Want to add a little excitement and flavor to their midday meal, while still providing your kids with the best nutrition and BRAIN FUEL they need to power through the school day? Look no further than Hail Merry's line of delectable cups, tarts, and cookie dough bites!

These tasty treats are not only delicious but also NUTRITIOUS, made with the highest quality ingredients and without any additional so called “natural” flavors, bad-for-you seed oils, or preservatives. Hail Merry's cups are perfect for school lunches! They’re individually portioned and easy to pack. Plus, they come in a variety of flavors ranging from Key Lime Pie to Chocolate Almond Butter. With a range of flavors, your kids will never get bored of the same repetitive snacks. And as an added benefit, Hail Merry’s snacks are loaded with energizing good fats (from the MCT’s in organic coconut oil) as well as heart-healthy almond flour. Some studies suggest that MCTs may have cognitive benefits as well, such as improved memory and focus. MCTs are more easily metabolized by the body and can provide a quick source of energy for the brain. Exactly the type of fuel you want your little learner to consume!

Hail Merry's Cookie Dough Bites are the perfect size for a sweet treat in your child's lunchbox. They come in classic flavors like Chocolate Chip and Caramel Sea Salt that are sure to be a hit with even the pickiest of eaters. Swap out the usual high sugar and carb-packed snack for a nutritious and satisfying handful of Cookie Dough Bites that will give your child the nourishment they need to conquer their afternoon classes.Make sure to get your kids involved in the lunch-packing process! Let them choose which flavors they want to try when you’re at the store or shopping online and encourage them to come up with their own creative combinations. Not only will this make lunchtime more exciting for them, but it will also teach them about the importance of making healthy and nutritious food choices.

With the UNRIVALED TASTE of Hail Merry’s Cups, there will be no “Ews!” or “Yucks!” about it.Then at the end of the week, give yourself an A+ for feeding your kids great tasting snacks that actually have real benefits for their well-being. NICE JOB! ⭐

*Hail Merry snacks contain nut allergens.

Hail Merry - Apr 12 2023

MCT Oil: Your New BFF for Weight Loss

Picture this: a world where you can indulge in all your favorite foods AND lose weight at the same time. Sounds too good to be true, right? Think again. Thanks to MCT oil, this dream can become a reality. Heralded for its fat-burning properties, MCT oil is the secret weapon you never knew you needed in your quest for a healthier you. But how do you use it? Don’t worry, we've got all the insider knowledge you need to make this magic oil work for you. No more stubborn pounds, no more compromises. Just pure, healthy goodness. Let's do this!

Hail Merry - Apr 12 2023

MCT Oil: Your New BFF
for Weight Loss

Picture this: a world where you can indulge in all your favorite foods AND lose weight at the same time. Sounds too good to be true, right? Think again. Thanks to MCT oil, this dream can become a reality. Heralded for its fat-burning properties, MCT oil is the secret weapon you never knew you needed in your quest for a healthier you. But how do you use it? Don’t worry, we've got all the insider knowledge you need to make this magic oil work for you. No more stubborn pounds, no more compromises. Just pure, healthy goodness. Let's do this!

Table of Contents:

  • What is MCT oil?
  • How does MCT Oil Help with Fat Loss?
  • Health Benefits of MCT Oil
  • How to Incorporate MCT Oils into your life
  • Final Thoughts

What is MCT oil?

This little gem of an oil is chock-full of fancy sounding medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs for the cool kids) that can be easily converted into energy by your bod, without settling in as pesky body fat. But wait, there's more! MCT oil can also help you achieve those weight loss goals you've been eyeing. It'll help you feel fuller and curb those late-night snack attacks, making it a whole lot easier to stick to your healthy eating plan.

And if you're looking to whittle that waistline, studies have shown that MCTs may just become your new BFF. These bad boys can help you reduce body weight and inches around the ol' midsection. So go ahead, treat yourself to some MCT oil and give your body the fuel it truly deserves.

How does MCT Oil Help with Fat Loss?

If you’re looking for a wing-woman in your weight loss journey, look no further than MCT oil. These medium-chain triglycerides are like personal cheerleaders for your body, supporting it as it burns off those pesky fat cells. Not only can they aid in fat loss, but they do so in several unique and helpful ways:

Super Digestible

You know that feeling when you need a burst of energy but don't have time for a full meal? Enter MCTs, the superhero of fats. These little guys are like a shot of espresso for your body, quickly and easily digesting to give you the fuel you need to power through your day.

Metabolism Magic

Say goodbye to sluggish digestion and hello to a revved-up metabolism. This game-changing oil will have your body torching calories in no time. Why settle for a basic metabolism when you can be a boss?

Energy Powerhouse

When MCTs are broken down in your body, they're converted into ketones, which can help give you a sustained energy boost throughout the day. No more caffeine crashes or sugar rushes, just a steady stream of energy that will have you feeling like a superhero!

Appetite Control

MCT oil has been hailed as the secret weapon in reducing appetite and keeping you fuller for longer. No more mindlessly snacking on empty calories - you'll have the willpower to stick to your healthy eating goals with ease.

Reduce and Burn Fat

Kiss stubburn fat goodbye! Recent studies show that MCT oil actually encourages your body to use it as energy instead of locking it away in your love handles. So even when you're just lounging around on the couch (we won't judge), your body will still be working hard to torch those fat cells. Pop a spoonful in your coffee or smoothie for a delicious and effective weight loss tool.

Improved Athletic Performance

Looking to give your athletic performance a turbocharge? Thanks to their speedy energy delivery, MCTs are becoming increasingly popular among athletes and fitness buffs alike. These energy powerhouses are used to fuel workouts and are the secret sauce for bodybuilders chasing peak performance. Don't believe us? Give it a shot and see the difference for yourself!

How does MCT oil compare to other healthy oils with fat loss?

Curious about how MCT oil stacks up against other contenders in the weight loss game? Let’s dish on some of the healthiest fats out there!

First up is the ever-so-popular Mediterranean classic, olive oil. Packed with good-for-you monounsaturated fats, olive oil is a champ when it comes to promoting weight loss and reducing inflammation.

Now, let's turn our attention to the mighty avocado. Not only is it delicious in guac form but it’s also loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats, which can help improve heart health, lower cholesterol, and reduce inflammation.

But when it comes to slimming down, MCT oil takes the crown. With its speedy absorption and energy-boosting mojo, it can help curb cravings, boost metabolism, and increase feelings of fullness. Plus, it's super adaptable, making it the perfect addition to your morning coffee, smoothie, or even salad dressing.

Table of Contents:

  • What is MCT oil?
  • How does MCT Oil Help with Fat Loss?
  • Health Benefits of MCT Oil
  • How to Incorporate MCT Oils into your life
  • Final Thoughts

What is MCT oil?

This little gem of an oil is chock-full of fancy sounding medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs for the cool kids) that can be easily converted into energy by your bod, without settling in as pesky body fat. But wait, there's more! MCT oil can also help you achieve those weight loss goals you've been eyeing. It'll help you feel fuller and curb those late-night snack attacks, making it a whole lot easier to stick to your healthy eating plan.

And if you're looking to whittle that waistline, studies have shown that MCTs may just become your new BFF. These bad boys can help you reduce body weight and inches around the ol' midsection. So go ahead, treat yourself to some MCT oil and give your body the fuel it truly deserves.

Health Benefits of MCT Oil

From boosting brain power to improving gut function, the benefits of MCT oil are off the charts. Incorporating this oil into your daily routine is an easy way to give your body the love and care it deserves.

Weight Loss

If your metabolism had a personal trainer, it would be MCT oil. This magic potion can work wonders on your weight loss journey by squashing those pesky hunger pangs, revving up your metabolism, and turning up the heat on your body's fat-burning abilities.

Energy and Endurance

Looking for a secret weapon to make your workouts even more epic? Enter MCT oil. Think of it as a turbocharger for your body, giving you a sustained energy boost that will help you power through any sweat sesh with ease. So go ahead, unleash your inner superhero and crush those workouts like a boss.

Brain Function

Say hello to your new mental superhero: MCT oil. Here to save the day (and your brain), this nifty oil can amp up your cognitive function, add a boost of mental clarity, and even shield against pesky age-related neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. So, whether you're a genius looking to level up or just trying to fend off time, MCT oil has got your back. Excelsior!

Digestive Health

MCT oil is kind of like your digestive system's personal spa day. It's the ultimate relaxer, de-stressor, and inflammation tamer. And if all that weren't enough, MCT oil even plays nice with your gut bacteria, like the perfect party guest who brings snacks and leaves the place cleaner than they found it.

How does MCT Oil Help with Fat Loss?

If you’re looking for a wing-woman in your weight loss journey, look no further than MCT oil. These medium-chain triglycerides are like personal cheerleaders for your body, supporting it as it burns off those pesky fat cells. Not only can they aid in fat loss, but they do so in several unique and helpful ways:

Super Digestible

You know that feeling when you need a burst of energy but don't have time for a full meal? Enter MCTs, the superhero of fats. These little guys are like a shot of espresso for your body, quickly and easily digesting to give you the fuel you need to power through your day.

Metabolism Magic

Say goodbye to sluggish digestion and hello to a revved-up metabolism. This game-changing oil will have your body torching calories in no time. Why settle for a basic metabolism when you can be a boss?

Energy Powerhouse

When MCTs are broken down in your body, they're converted into ketones, which can help give you a sustained energy boost throughout the day. No more caffeine crashes or sugar rushes, just a steady stream of energy that will have you feeling like a superhero!

Appetite Control

MCT oil has been hailed as the secret weapon in reducing appetite and keeping you fuller for longer. No more mindlessly snacking on empty calories - you'll have the willpower to stick to your healthy eating goals with ease.

Reduce and Burn Fat

Kiss stubburn fat goodbye! Recent studies show that MCT oil actually encourages your body to use it as energy instead of locking it away in your love handles. So even when you're just lounging around on the couch (we won't judge), your body will still be working hard to torch those fat cells. Pop a spoonful in your coffee or smoothie for a delicious and effective weight loss tool.

Improved Athletic Performance

Looking to give your athletic performance a turbocharge? Thanks to their speedy energy delivery, MCTs are becoming increasingly popular among athletes and fitness buffs alike. These energy powerhouses are used to fuel workouts and are the secret sauce for bodybuilders chasing peak performance. Don't believe us? Give it a shot and see the difference for yourself!

How does MCT oil compare to other healthy oils with fat loss?

Curious about how MCT oil stacks up against other contenders in the weight loss game? Let’s dish on some of the healthiest fats out there!

First up is the ever-so-popular Mediterranean classic, olive oil. Packed with good-for-you monounsaturated fats, olive oil is a champ when it comes to promoting weight loss and reducing inflammation.

Now, let's turn our attention to the mighty avocado. Not only is it delicious in guac form but it’s also loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats, which can help improve heart health, lower cholesterol, and reduce inflammation.

But when it comes to slimming down, MCT oil takes the crown. With its speedy absorption and energy-boosting mojo, it can help curb cravings, boost metabolism, and increase feelings of fullness. Plus, it's super adaptable, making it the perfect addition to your morning coffee, smoothie, or even salad dressing.

How to Incorporate MCT Oils Into Your Life

If you're a fan of MCT oil (who isn't, really?), it's important to know how to get the most bang for your buck. Here are some sneaky ways to add this magical elixir to your diet:

Choose Products Made with Coconut Oil

One of the easiest and most delicious ways to get your MCTs is by choosing products made with organic raw coconut oil. Not only does coconut oil bring a versatile and irresistible flavor to any dish, but it's also packed with MCTs that'll do wonders for your body.

But if you're looking for something a bit more fun than just spooning coconut oil straight, Hail Merry has a variety of tempting treats out there that include this magical oil. From nut butter Cups, pie Cups, Tarts, and Coconut Cookie Dough Bites, these snacks will satisfy your sweet tooth while giving your body the nourishment it needs. 

Use as a Cooking Oil

If you’re looking to jazz up your cooking game, MCT is your new sous chef. This oil has the chops to handle high temperatures and is perfect for all your sautéing, roasting, and frying needs. It's a sneaky way to add some extra MCTs to your diet.

But MCT oil isn't just a culinary rockstar - it's also a healthy choice. Studies have shown it can help with weight loss, boost energy, and improve brain function.

Health Benefits of MCT Oil

From boosting brain power to improving gut function, the benefits of MCT oil are off the charts. Incorporating this oil into your daily routine is an easy way to give your body the love and care it deserves.

Weight Loss

If your metabolism had a personal trainer, it would be MCT oil. This magic potion can work wonders on your weight loss journey by squashing those pesky hunger pangs, revving up your metabolism, and turning up the heat on your body's fat-burning abilities.

Energy and Endurance

Looking for a secret weapon to make your workouts even more epic? Enter MCT oil. Think of it as a turbocharger for your body, giving you a sustained energy boost that will help you power through any sweat sesh with ease. So go ahead, unleash your inner superhero and crush those workouts like a boss.

Brain Function

Say hello to your new mental superhero: MCT oil. Here to save the day (and your brain), this nifty oil can amp up your cognitive function, add a boost of mental clarity, and even shield against pesky age-related neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. So, whether you're a genius looking to level up or just trying to fend off time, MCT oil has got your back. Excelsior!

Digestive Health

MCT oil is kind of like your digestive system's personal spa day. It's the ultimate relaxer, de-stressor, and inflammation tamer. And if all that weren't enough, MCT oil even plays nice with your gut bacteria, like the perfect party guest who brings snacks and leaves the place cleaner than they found it.

Final Thoughts

Choosing to incorporate MCT oil into your health plan is a bold and exciting step towards your weight loss goals. It has all the potential to increase your energy, be an effective source for fat burning, alter your metabolism and even become a healthier replacement for other fats that you normally consume. You’ll feel more energized, burn more calories and just generally look and feel better.

So why not give it a shot? Make today the day you begin embarking upon your new healthier self. Give it a try and see what MCT oil can do for you!

How to Incorporate MCT Oils Into Your Life

If you're a fan of MCT oil (who isn't, really?), it's important to know how to get the most bang for your buck. Here are some sneaky ways to add this magical elixir to your diet:

Choose Products Made with Coconut Oil

One of the easiest and most delicious ways to get your MCTs is by choosing products made with organic raw coconut oil. Not only does coconut oil bring a versatile and irresistible flavor to any dish, but it's also packed with MCTs that'll do wonders for your body.

But if you're looking for something a bit more fun than just spooning coconut oil straight, Hail Merry has a variety of tempting treats out there that include this magical oil. From nut butter Cups, pie Cups, Tarts, and Coconut Cookie Dough Bites, these snacks will satisfy your sweet tooth while giving your body the nourishment it needs. 

Use as a Cooking Oil

If you’re looking to jazz up your cooking game, MCT is your new sous chef. This oil has the chops to handle high temperatures and is perfect for all your sautéing, roasting, and frying needs. It's a sneaky way to add some extra MCTs to your diet.

But MCT oil isn't just a culinary rockstar - it's also a healthy choice. Studies have shown it can help with weight loss, boost energy, and improve brain function.

Final Thoughts

Choosing to incorporate MCT oil into your health plan is a bold and exciting step towards your weight loss goals. It has all the potential to increase your energy, be an effective source for fat burning, alter your metabolism and even become a healthier replacement for other fats that you normally consume. You’ll feel more energized, burn more calories and just generally look and feel better.

So why not give it a shot? Make today the day you begin embarking upon your new healthier self. Give it a try and see what MCT oil can do for you!

Featured Products:

Raw. Paleo and Non-GMO Raw No Bake Chocolate chip Cookie Dough Bites outside of packaging
Bag of No Bake Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites. Vegan. Dairy Free. Organic. Paleo Snacks
Back of No bake Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites bag. Organic. Healthy Vegan Snacks
Woman holding a Hail Merry Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bite
Raw. Paleo and Non-GMO Raw No Bake Chocolate chip Cookie Dough Bites outside of packaging
Bag of No Bake Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites. Vegan. Dairy Free. Organic. Paleo Snacks
Back of No bake Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites bag. Organic. Healthy Vegan Snacks
Woman holding a Hail Merry Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bite

Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookie Dough

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Three Chocolate Almond Butter Cups outside of package.  Organic. Keto. Dairy Free. Healthy. Vegan
Hail Merry Keto Chocolate Almond Butter Cups Individual Pack. Organic. Vegan.  Dairy Free.  Raw
Chocolate Almond Butter Cups
Three Chocolate Almond Butter Cups outside of package.  Organic. Keto. Dairy Free. Healthy. Vegan
Hail Merry Keto Chocolate Almond Butter Cups Individual Pack. Organic. Vegan.  Dairy Free.  Raw
Chocolate Almond Butter Cups

Chocolate Almond Butter Cups

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